Details to Confirm When You Choose a Shade Tree for Your Yard


There are few additions to your yard that can be as valuable as a shade tree. Not only does this type of vegetation provide shade from the sun, but it can also be a source of privacy, offer a place for your children to play, and even be a home for neighborhood birds. If you're keen on adding a shade tree to your yard, browsing the options at your local garden center will be a good place to start. Not only will you be able to assess the visual appeal of different trees, but you'll also be able to talk to a tree expert to learn more about each variety that you're considering. Here are some details that are critical to confirm before you buy a shade tree.

1. Tree Spread

An important measurement with which to familiarize yourself is the spread of the tree. This is a term that describes how wide the tree's branches get as the tree matures. Knowing this information will help you to decide not only what type of tree to get, but also where you should plant it. For example, if a tree has a spread of 25 feet, you won't want to plant it immediately next to the fence along the edge of your property, as it would grow beyond the fence and over your neighbor's yard.

2. Growth Rate

Another detail to assess before you choose a shade tree for your yard is the growth rate of the trees that you're considering. A tree's growth rate describes how quickly the tree grows per year. For example, one tree might gain 12 inches in height in a year, while another tree might grow 18 inches in a year. A tree's growth rate is important because the tree won't provide a significant amount of shade until it gets taller and larger. Understanding a tree's growth rate helps you to assess how quickly the tree will provide the shade that you desire. If you're keen on shading your yard quickly, a tree with a high growth rate will be a good choice.

3. Deciduous Vs. Evergreen

A lot of people think about deciduous trees — trees that lose their leaves, generally in the fall — when they think of shade trees, but the reality is that the thick foliage of evergreen trees can also provide plenty of shade. You'll need to decide which type of tree best suits your needs. For example, if you're mainly keen on adding shade to your yard during the hot months of summer, a deciduous tree can be a good choice. If year-round privacy is also important to you, an evergreen tree may be something that you prefer.


11 June 2020

how to garden when you have limited space

My family enjoys eating produce of all kinds. Last year, we decided to grow our own produce during the summer to try to save some money on our grocery bill for the year. Our one problem that we had to find the solution for was making the most of the limited space that we have to grow a garden. This blog will show you how to grow a garden full of delicious produce even if you don't have a nice, big yard to use to create it. Hopefully, our experiences will help you find out how to garden when you have limited space.